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#509 MAX3232 RS232 to TTL Module

Using a MAX3232 Module with CH340 adapter for USB to RS-232 serial communication, with examples using screen on MacOSX.



I want to talk to a device on an RS232 DE-9 serial port, and it seems I have modules on hand for that!

This is a quick exercise of combining two modules to allow RS232 serial communication over USB:

See LEAP#406 for details of the USB to TTL serial adapter. Here I’m going to take a closer look at the MAX3232 module, which can be found for pennies on aliexpress or ebay:



RS-232 is a vintage serial standard that used to be ubiquitous on PC equipment for point-to-point peripheral communication, especially modems and mouses. It almost became extinct, but appears to have had a but of the resurgence on the back of IoT/embedded systems.

RS-232 is a serial communication protocol, where a time-series of bits (data bits, optional parity bit, and a number of stop bits) is encoded using differential voltage levels for ‘0’ and ‘1’. The RS-232 standard does not define the data encoding.

What makes RS-232 a little daunting to directly integrate with are the voltage levels on the line:

Data Control Voltage
0 (space) Asserted +3 to +15 V
1 (mark) Deasserted −15 to −3 V

This is where RS-232 driver chips like the MAX3232 come into play: they handle all the voltage conversion and allow control and communication at CMOS or TTL voltage levels.

DE-9 Pinout

The RS-232 standard recommended D-subminiature 25 pin connectors (DB-25), but the 9-pin DE-9 became the most common for computer applications.

pedantic side note: almost everyone refers to the 9-pin connectors as “DB-9”, but I just learned from the wikipedia page they are officially “DE-9”, with B/E referring to the different shell sizes.


Pin SIG Signal Name DTE (PC)
1 DCD Data Carrier Detect in
2 RXD Receive Data in
3 TXD Transmit Data out
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready out
5 GND Signal Ground -
6 DSR Data Set Ready in
7 RTS Request to Send out
8 CTS Clear to Send in
9 RI Ring Indicator in

Flow Control

In modern applications, a minimal “3-wire” RS-232 (transmit, receive, ground) connection is often used. This configuration does not use any hardware flow control.

A “5-wire” configuration adds hardware flow control with RTS and CTS lines.

Null Modem

Usually when using RS-232 to connect to computers/microprocessors, a Null modem (cross-over) connection is required. This basically has transmit and receive crossed i.e. what one transmits, the other wants to receive.

NB: straight-through connections are for traditional uses with peripherals - e.g. a computer talking to a modem.


About the MAX3232

The MAX3232 provides level conversion for 2 lines in and 2 lines out, so it can support 3-wire or 5-wire RS-232. It can operate with 3.0V to 5.5V TTL, with transmission speeds up to 1Mbps.


MAX3232 Module Construction

The MAX3232 module is a standard 3-wire configuration, with a DE-9 female connector. Here’s a quick transcription of the module circuit. It follows the recommended examples provided in the datasheet:



Connecting the USB Adapter

CH340G USB Adapter Pinouts MAX3232 Module Pins

Connecting with Screen

I’m using MacOSX, so (as with Linux) the most handy console utility is screen.

The device I am connecting to for a test requires 9600 baud, with 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. The CH340G adapter was connected on /dev/tty.wchusbserial14210 device, so a screen session is started with the command:

$ screen /dev/tty.wchusbserial14210 9600,cs8,-parenb,-cstopb,-hupcl

…and communication is up and running without any problem:


The USB adapter and MAX3232 module connected to the serial device:


Credits and References

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