#764 Raspberry Pi B+ Case
Finally, 3D PLA printing a case for the Raspberry Pi Model B+ … at the library.
I’m finally getting around to making a case for my Raspberry Pi Model B+.
The libraries here in Singapore are fantastic, with 3D PLA printers available for use. See LEAP#756 NLB Flashforge Creator Pro 2 for details of the printers.
I found a couple of nice designs freely available, and for now I’ve gone with a Raspberry Pi case (model B+ /2) w/ Pi Symbol.
The STLs took under 2 hours to print.
They required very little cleanup. Main thing was to file any burrs off the locating connectors so that the Pi sits nicely in the case and the two halves snap together nicely. They press-fit perfectly.
3D Case Designs
Some of the nice options I found..
Raspberry Pi case (model B+ /2) w/ Pi Symbol
Note: the one I’ve used here
A somewhat more enclosed option, this is a nice design that still retains access to all ports and connectors.
Raspberry Pi B+ / 2 Mount
I like the idea of this mounting for breadboarding and experimentation as it keeps the board fully accessible.