#352 Decoding ACARS
Decoding ACARS with rtl_acars_ng and a R820T2+RTL2832U dongle on macOS.
I’m playing with a cheap RTL-SDR Dongle and one of the signals I can pick up quite well are the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) transmissions from the air traffic around Singapore.
ACARS is a short message digital datalink protocol, and thus needs decoding.
I quickly found a promising open-source package to try: rtl_acars_ng
Compiling rtl_acars_ng
I’m running on macOS and use brew for package management. So it was this easy…
$ brew install rtl-sdr
$ git clone git@github.com:gat3way/rtl_acars_ng.git
$ cd rtl_acars_ng
$ make
gcc -o rtl_acars_ng rtl_acars_ng.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs librtlsdr libusb-1.0` -lpthread -lm -O2
36 warnings generated.
Command-line Options
$ ./rtl_acars_ng -h
rtl_acars_ng - decoding ACARS transmissions with RTL2832 based DVB-T receivers
Usage: rtl_acars_ng -f freq [-options]
-f frequency_to_tune_to [Hz]
(use multiple -f for scanning, requires squelch)
(ranges supported, -f 118M:137M:25k)
(try 131.55M, 129.125M, 130.025M, or 130.425M)
[-d device_index (default: 0)]
[-g tuner_gain (default: automatic)]
[-l squelch_level (default: 0/off)]
[-o oversampling (default: 1, 4 recommended)]
[-p ppm_error (default: 0)]
[-r squelch debug mode ]
[-t squelch_delay (default: 0)]
(+values will mute/scan, -values will exit)
[-D datasets_dir (default: ./datasets)]
[-F enables Hamming FIR (default: off/square)
Finding ACARS
The Signal Identification Guide indicates I should expect it probaby at 131.550 MHz in my area.
With CubicSDR I found ACARS broadcasts centered around 131.546MHz
Trial Run
So firing up rtl_acars_ng instead .. success!!
$ ./rtl_acars_ng -f 131546000
Found 1 device(s):
0: Realtek, RTL2838UHIDIR, SN: 00000001
Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Oversampling input by: 21x.
Oversampling output by: 1x.
Buffer size: 8.13ms
Tuned to 131798000 Hz.
Sampling at 1008000 Hz.
Output at 48000 Hz.
Exact sample rate is: 1008000.009613 Hz
Tuner gain set to automatic.
Loaded: 406995 aircrafts from dataset.....
Loaded: 7733 airports from dataset.....
Loaded: 110952 flights from dataset.....
Loaded: 365 ACARS message labels from dataset.....
Listening for ACARS traffic...
CRC: Correct
Timestamp: 28/10/2017 11:56
ACARS mode: 2
Message label: _ (ACK)
Aircraft reg: .9V-SFK, flight id: SQ7294
Aircraft: Boeing 747-412F
Registration: 9V-SFK
Mode-S ID: 76CCCB
Airline: Singapore Airlines Cargo
Block id: 52, msg. no: S57A
Message content:-
[END_MESSAGE ]------------------------------------------------------------