#567 Random Code Practice
A simple Morse code practice generator that prints the character and sounds the dit-dahs to a speaker. Based on a project by Glen Popiel KW5GP.
Here’s a quick demo..
Glen Popiel’s Arduino for Ham Radio is a great little collection of ham radio-adjacent projects that not only provides some good project inspiration but also presents them in a way that is easy to follow no matter one’s level of Arduino experience.
This project is an adaptation/enhancement of a simple Morse code practice generator:
- it selects a random character
- displays the character on an LCD
- and sounds the Morse code to a piezo speaker
- the speed can be adjusted with a variable resistor
I’ve extended and revised the code to add some new features:
- a switch to select between all character / alpha only / numbers only
- display the actual dit-dah Morse representation on the screen as well as the character being sounded
A SPDT Centre Off switch is used as a tri-state toggle for the character select:
- ON: pulled high (alpha only)
- CENTRE: VCC/2 voltage divider (all characters)
- OFF: pulled low (numbers only)
First testing the circuit on a breadboard:
Code & Libraries
- Arduino Wire library
- LiquidCrystal_I2C - LCD over I²C
- Morse - Morse encoding by Erik Linder SM0RVV and Mark VandeWettering K6HX.
- I cannot find a link to the original source (Version 0.2), so it is included in the project folder.
- Includes Glen Popiel KW5GP’s fixes for Morse encoding
- extended by me to allow dynamic speed adjustment
Putting it in a Box
For a final build, I switched the Uno for an Arduino Nano and mounted it all in a suitably sized chocolate box.
Credits and References
- Arduino for Ham Radio - goodreads
- Arduino for Ham Radio - ARRL support page (book sources available)
- Morse code - wikipedia
- fun with morse code - presentation on learning CW by Anthony Luscre K8ZT