#005 Heart Quotes
Press a button to snaffle a random quote from Heart Quotes and print it to a 16x2 LCD.
This currently just dumps the web response from the HeartQuotes API to the console and LCD panel.
The 220R resistor connecting +5V to the switch is not really required, and is included more as a link on the breadboard. From Digital Pins: “Pins configured [as INPUT] are said to be in a high-impedance state. Input pins make extremely small demands on the circuit that they are sampling, equivalent to a series resistor of 100 megohm in front of the pin.”
Sample console output
firing up the Ethernet...
Press the button to get a quote!
quote: The days of good English has went.
Sample raw response from iheartquotes.com
This gets parsed down into just the actual “quote” part:
$ curl -0 -i --raw "http://iheartquotes.com/api/v1/random?max_lines=1&show_permalink=0&show_source=0&format=text"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Etag: "b4279ec5fc6f80b38c73f8e305a894b0"
X-Ua-Compatible: IE=Edge,chrome=1
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 04:51:22 GMT
X-Runtime: 0.030803
Content-Type: text/plain
Cache-Control: max-age=0, private, must-revalidate
Server: thin 1.2.6 codename Crazy Delicious
Via: 1.1 vegur
Oxymoron 27. Butt head
Parts for a breadboard build
- Arduino Uno R3 or similar
- Arduino Ethernet Shield
- Breadboard
- 4 Pin DIP PCB Momentary Push Button Tactile Switch
- 16x2 LCD - I used a QC1602A
Credits and References
- HTTP GET based on the Arduino WebClient example http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/WebClient
- LCD output based on the Arduino LiquidCrystal examples http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/LiquidCrystal