#530 SSD1306 OLED Bareback I²C
Test driving a monochrome 128x32 OLED Display with an Arduino and the raw command set over I²C.
Here’s a quick demo..
In LEAP#087 I investigated using the raw command set to drive an OLED display over SPI. This is the same idea, but using a display with an I²C interface.
For this test, I’m using a white 128x32 0.91” OLED Module.
OLED Module Specs
- OLED display, self-illuminating (no backlight), also lower consumption.
- Driver IC: SSD1306
- Size: 0.91 inch
- OLED Resolution: 128 x 32
- I²C interface
Pin | Description |
GND | Power Ground |
VCC | Power + (DC 3.3~5v) |
SCL | Clock Line |
SDA | Data Line |
Example Sketch
SSD1306BareBackI2C.ino demonstrates the basics of bringing up the OLED
display and running some graphics and text routines. A 5*8 font is defined in font.h
The only dependency is the Arduino Wire library. Communication with the device is not optimised (all data is sent a byte per message) but it is enough to demonstrate that running the OLED with raw commands is not too difficult.