#540 ESP-12 DIY Dev Board
Building a programming board for the ESP8266 07/12 variants.
I have some ESP8266 modules in the ESP-7 and ESP-12E variants. They both work with adapter boards like this.
However, it turns out that programming them on a breadboard can be a bit flakey - mainly due to power/connection issues. See LEAP#534 ESP-12 Programming for the background.
So I decided to try a quick build of a programming board to see if performance was more reliable.
The result - excellent. Very reliable programming.
Circuit Design
The circuit implements the recommended programming/runtime circuit. Note that some of the pull-up resistors are actually on the adapter board - these are marked as “built-in” in the schematic.
Protoboard Construction
I used a piece of 5x7cm protoboard, with the circuit laid out as follows:
Some quick and dirty soldering..
Final build, on a cardboard base:
The process:
- seat the ESP-12 board
- connect USB adapter
- connect power >4.5V
- set the “Run/Prog” switch to “Prog”
- press “Reset” to reset the board into programming mode
- upload the program
When using the Arduino IDE, the most recent settings I used were as follows:
Credits and References
- LEAP#534 ESP-12 Programming
- ESP-12E - aliexpress seller
- ESP-7/12 adapter boards - aliexpress seller
- ESP8266 Arduino Core - boards doc
- ESP-01/07/12 Series Modules User’s Manual
- ESP8266 Hardware - A Beginner’s Guide to the ESP8266