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#629 Water-Level Control Kit

Build and test a high-low switching circuit with relay output. It is intended for monitoring a water tank level and switching a pump.


Here’s a quick demo..



This is a simple 5V circuit in a cheap kit form that demonstrates a high-low control circuit. An LM324 is used as a comparator to evaluate two switch inputs (“low”, “high”) and trigger a relay accordingly. The relay can be used to control a compensating service (e.g. turn on a pump if low state triggered, and turn it off when high state triggered).

I don’t actually have a water tank to control; I picked this kit up just to study the circuit, but now I’m thinking there may be other applications I can put it usefully to work in.

The Kit

The kit is available form aliexpress sellers for around SGD$2.90 as I write this.


A well-made single-sided PCB:




Ref Component Qty
R7 220Ω 1
R5,9,14 1kΩ 3
R11,17,20 2.2kΩ 3
R10 4.7kΩ 1
R21,22 10kΩ 2
R1,2,3,8,12,16,18,19 47kΩ 8
R6,15 100kΩ 2
R4,13 1MΩ 2
C1 22nF (223) ceramic 1
C2,3,4,5,7,8,9 100nF (104) ceramic 7
C10 10µF 1
C6 100µF 1
D1,2,4,5 1n4148 4
D9 1n4007 1
D6,D8 5mm LED red 2
D7 5mm LED yellow 1
D3 5mm LED green 1
Q1,Q2 S8050 NPN 2
J 5V relay 1
  LM324 1
  14 pin DIP socket 1
J3 2 pin terminal block 1
J4 3 pin terminal block 1
J1,J2 2.54mm pin header x2 2
S1 switch 1
  PCB 1

How It Works

There are two inputs:

  • J1 - “low state” input switch
  • J2 - “high state” input switch

State table:

State J1 J2 D6 Red D7 Yellow D3 Green VIN Relay State
low open open ON OFF OFF High ON
low -> medium closed open OFF ON OFF ~ VCC/2 ON
medium -> high closed closed OFF OFF ON Low OFF
high -> medium closed open OFF ON OFF ~ VCC/2 OFF
medium -> low open open ON OFF OFF High ON


  • J1=open, J2=closed is an invalid/undefined state
  • switch S1 is used to invert the relay output

The interesting trick in this circuit is how it arranges for the hysteresis effect through the “medium” state:

  • when “filling” (i.e. low->medium->high), the relay (“pump”) stays on in the medium state
  • when “emptying” (i.e. high->medium->low), the relay (“pump”) stays off in the medium state

This is achieved with feedback from the final output opamp unit LM324d(pin14) to its non-inverting input (pin12) i.e.:

  • with J1 closed, LM324c(pin8) is low
  • with J2 closed, LM324b(pin7) is low
  • then the final output LM324d(pin14) is pulled high
  • but when J2 opened, LM324b(pin7) goes high, but the resulting voltage on LM324d inverting input is not high enough to LM324d feedback to its non-inverting input
  • but when J1 also opened, LM324c(pin8) also goes high and is finally enough to flip LM324d

Note: LM324a, the first opamp unit, is configured as a square wave oscillator running at about 710Hz. This provides the AC signal switched via J1 and J2 to pull their respective LM324 opamp units high via the DC-blocking capacitors. See the signal trace, tapped at pin 1 of the LM324:



Here is my redraw of the schematic and a possible breadboard layout:



I don’t actually have a water tank to monitor, so I did a quick simulation and test on a breadboard:


Credits and References

About LEAP#629 OpAmpControl
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LEAP is just my personal collection of electronics projects - usually involving an Arduino or other microprocessor in one way or another. Some are full-blown projects, while many are trivial breadboard experiments, intended to learn and explore something interesting.

Projects are often inspired by things found wild on the net, or ideas from the many great electronics podcasts and YouTube channels. Feel free to borrow liberally, and if you spot any issues do let me know (or send a PR!). See the individual projects for credits where due.

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