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#647 USB Humidifier Module

Testing a cheap USB/5V powered humidifier module the produces prodigious volumes of mist!


Here’s a quick demo..



I’ve been seeing these cheap humidifier/atomiser modules for some time - for example this USB powered device from an aliexpress seller. Of course i needed to get one to see if they are any good - oh, yes, they are amazing!

Module Details

The module I purchased came with:

  • the controller board with micro USB power connector
  • the piezo transducer element on a plugged wire connector
  • a 10cm length of the absorbent micro-mesh needed to suck the water through for atomisation


The board has all the smarts in a 6-pin microprocessor of some sort (I haven’t identified it - no markings), with supporting circuits for

  • push-button input
  • LED indicator
  • output control FET driver

I haven’t measured these to verify, but product details indicate:

  • 300mA at 5V
  • 110kHz piezo frequency


Module Operation

When connected to power, the module is in the “off” state. The push-botton cycles between three modes:

  • off (LED off)
  • continuously on (LED on)
  • intermittent; cycles between on and off every few minutes (LED blinking)


I was honestly shocked at the volume of vapour the module produces when I first turned it on.


Essential for operation is to use the absorbent micro-mesh to conduct water from source to the atomiser. In this demo I just used a small piece to let the atomiser such water from a sponge in my soldering iron stand.

Just placing the atomiser directly on the sponge does not work.


Here’s a quick demo..


Next Steps

This is a great module for building a DIY humidifier. I think that’ll be in my near future.

The fact that it is 5V means that a DIY humidifier can be made in a way that is isolated from any mains or dangerous voltages.

Since the module control is via a pushbutton input, it is also trivial to provide alternative control input for example by IR remote or some other microcontroller-controlled logic.

Credits and References

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Projects are often inspired by things found wild on the net, or ideas from the many great electronics podcasts and YouTube channels. Feel free to borrow liberally, and if you spot any issues do let me know (or send a PR!). See the individual projects for credits where due.

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