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Project Notes

#360 TL431 Shunt Regulator

Testing a TL431 voltage reference (regulator) circuit with manual coarse and fine trim.



The TL431 Precision Programmable Reference is a cheap and easily adjustable shunt regulator. The standard grade offers a reasonable 2% reference voltage tolerance.

In this mini-circuit I am testing the common application as a shunt regulator/reference voltage e.g. for use in power supplies. This just requires a voltage divider (R1, R2) across Vref (2.5V). The output voltage will then be:

Vout = (1 + R1/R2) * Vref

For adjustment, I’m using two variable pots to provide course and fine grained control:

R1 Range R2 Trim Range
Min: 0Ω 105kΩ - 110kΩ
Max: 100kΩ 5kΩ - 10kΩ


See the schematic in EasyEDA.


First testing on a breadboard:


I put the circuit on some protoboard to improve the stability:



Under test. Set to 4.00V, remains stable as long as input voltage is > Vout.


Here’s a very unexciting demonstration of a quick test:


Credits and References

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