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#699 LM336 Voltage Reference

Exploring the LM336 precision reference and testing the minimum temperature coefficient circuit design.



The LM336 is a precision adjustable voltage reference diode, commonly used for voltage regulation and calibration in analog and digital circuits. It provides a stable reference voltage of 2.5V, with the ability to fine-tune the output using an external resistor. Operating over a wide current range, it offers low temperature drift and excellent long-term stability, making it ideal for use in power supplies, ADCs, DACs, and sensor applications. Unlike standard Zener diodes, the LM336 provides better accuracy and lower noise, making it a reliable choice for precision voltage regulation.


Circuit Design

While the simplest use of the LM336 is inline with a 2.5kΩ resistor, the datasheet describes a 2.5V Reference with Minimum Temperature Coefficient. That’s is the circuit I’ve reproduced here.


Essentially, it just requires a pair of signal diodes in series with a 10kΩ trimmer to set the adjustment point.

See the schematic in EasyEDA


Testing the circuit on a breadboard, and I am able to get a very stable 2.5V. Note:

  • the datasheet seems to indicate the ADJ point should be set to adjusted to 2.49 V, but I must be misunderstanding it, because
    • (a) this doesn’t work and
    • (b) it doesn’t seem possible while also keeping the cathode at 2.5V.
  • instead, I trimmed the pot until I get precisely 2.5V on the cathode. At this point, the ADJ pin is at approximately half that (~1.21V), as I would expect.


Protoboard Build

I decided to put the circuit on a small piece of protoboard:


It works nicely as a simple breadboard module.


Credits and References

About LEAP#699 Voltage ReferenceLM3361N60P

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LEAP is my personal collection of electronics projects - usually involving an Arduino or other microprocessor in one way or another. Some are full-blown projects, while many are trivial breadboard experiments, intended to learn and explore something interesting.

Projects are often inspired by things found wild on the net, or ideas from the many great electronics podcasts and YouTube channels. Feel free to borrow liberally, and if you spot any issues do let me know or send a pull-request.

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