#595 LM35 Temperature Sensor
Reading ambient temperature with the LM35 and an Arduino without output display on a Nokia 5110 LCD.
This circuit uses an LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensor to measure ambient temperature, and display the result on a Nokia 5110 compatible LCD.
The LM35 is part of a series of easy to use temperature sensors:
Sensor | Output Voltage | Linearity |
LM34 | proportional to temperature in Fahrenheit (ºF) | 10mV/ºF |
LM35 | proportional to temperature in Celsius (ºC) | 10mV/ºC |
LM335 | proportional to temperature in Kelvin (ºK) | 10mV/ºK |
Specifications for the LM35:
- Directly calibrated in ̊Celsius (Centigrade)
- 0.5̊C accuracy
- Less than 60 μA current drain
- Low impedance output, 0.1 Ω for 1 mA load
- Rated for full −55̊ to +150 ̊C range
See LM35.ino for the sketch.
Reading temperature is straight-forward:
- LM35 output voltage is read with analog input
- scaled to 10mV/ºC
Libraries used:
- u8glib library used for driving the LCD