#510 USB to RS-232 Adapter
Building a USB to 3-wire RS-232 adapter with the CH340G and MAX3232 chipsets.
This project implements a USB to 3-wire RS-232 adapter by combining two chips and their supporting components:
- MAX3232 TTL to RS-232
As a cheat, I’m using a MAX3232 adapter module - widely availably from aliexpress/ebay sellers. The module connects two TTL to RS-232 lines with all the supporting capacitors per the datasheet.
I’ve sketched the actual layout of the module here. I didn’t measure all the capacitors, but I assume they are 100nF or thereabouts.
For a prototype, I’m using a CH340G on a SOP-16 DIP adapter, and a MAX3232ESE adapter board. Here’s the protoboard layout I used:
To complete the build, I’ve used a mini USB connector on one end, and a female DE-9 on a short IDC strip with connector to the board - so I could for example, swap it with a male DE-9 or other connector.
Connecting with Screen
NB: the CH340G may require drivers to be installed - see [LEAP#406 UsbUartCH340G] where I covered this in detail.
I’m using MacOSX, so (as with Linux) the most handy console utility is screen.
The device I am connecting to for a test requires 9600 baud, with 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit.
The CH340G adapter was connected on /dev/tty.wchusbserial1420
device, so a screen session
is started with the command:
screen /dev/tty.wchusbserial1420 9600,cs8,-parenb,-cstopb,-hupcl
…and communication is up and running without any problem:
Credits and References
- CH340G datasheet
- MAX3232 product info and datasheet
- Mini RS232 to TTL Converter Adaptor Module Board MAX3232 - aliexpress
- screen notes
- DIY USB to RS232 Adapter - another project, uses the CP2102 and MAX3243 chips