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#181 DC Voltmeter Modules

Testing a selection of 2 and 3-wire DC voltmeter modules.



There are two and three wire DC voltmeter modules in the market.

Two-wire modules are the simplest (and generally cheapest). For most applications where a simple readout of a power supply is required, they are most convenient since a separate power supply connection is not required. It does mean of course that the meter draws current from the circuit under test, and will only work down to a certain voltage (usually ~4.5V).

For more precision measurement, the three-wire modules are better suited:

  • they present relatively high input impedance (> 100kΩ)
  • can measure voltages from 0V and up

Modules tested below:

  • Module 1: DSN-DVM-368 v3.01 (3-wire). Screw mounted with no bezel, measures from 0-30V
  • Module 1b: DSN-DVM-368 v3.01 (2-wire variant)
  • Module 2: 0.56” Panel Meter
  • Module 3: 22mm Round Panel-mounted Voltmeter

Test Circuit

Schematics below are for a simple test of the meter using a 10kΩ pot to vary the input voltage and compare the reading with a multimeter.

NB: the Fritzing part used here is not quite right (it’s actually a 4-wire ammeter) but does well enough for a simple schematic:


The Schematic

Module 1: DSN-DVM-368 v3.01 (3-wire)

This is a common type of module that is screw mounted with no bezel and can measure from 0-30V. Note that it is also commonly sold in a 2-wire configuration, so caveat emptor.

I think I originally obtained this module as part of a kit, but they are widely available from parts sellers:


I can’t find a specific datasheet for the module, but from product listings, the specifications are as follows:

  • Measuring range: 0~30V;
  • Power supply: DC 4.5~30V;
  • Max. input: DC 30V;
  • Tolerance: +/-1%, +/-0.3V (>=10V), +/0.1 (<10V);
  • Input impedance: >100KΩ;
  • Working current: red: <23mA;
  • Refresh rate: 300ms;
  • Display: 3-digit 0.36” LED;
  • Display color: red;
  • Cable length: 15cm

These modules do not have any kind of digital output that could be used to integrate with a microprocessor, but as a stand-alone meter, a useful device for power supply circuits.

Using my DMM as a reference, it appears accuracy is within 40mV, good enough for general purposes.


Module 1b: DSN-DVM-368 v3.01 (2-wire variant)

The DSN-DVM-368 v3.01 is commonly sold in a 2-wire configuration. Since the unit is powered from the input, the device can’t measure voltages under ~5V.

Available from many sellers, for example:


The 2-wire version is just the 3-wire version but with the +power and +load inputs bridged.

I confirmed this by converting a 2-wire unit into 3-wire, and it works perfectly




Module 2: 0.56” Panel Meter

This is a common panel mount module with 0.56” digits and can measure from 0-100V. Other versions are available with different measurement ranges: 0-10V, 0-30V, 0-200V.

They are widely available from parts sellers, e.g.:


I can’t find a specific datasheet for the module, but from product listings, the specifications are as follows:

  • Test voltage range: DC 0-100V
  • Accuracy: 1%
  • Display: 3 digits LED
  • Working temperature: - 10 ~ + 65℃
  • Measurement rate: 200mS/time
  • Power: DC 3-30V
  • Max. output: DC 100V (above 100V carries a risk of burning)
  • Min. output: DC 0V (Below 0V, measurement inaccurate or not shown)
  • Current consumption: <20mA
  • LED color: Red/Blue/Green/Yellow (Optional)
  • Weight: Approx.17g/0.6oz
  • Size: Approx.

Tests reasonably accurate:


Module 3: 22mm Round Panel-mounted Voltmeter

A round panel-mounted voltmeter that can measure DC 5-60V available on aliexpress with 5 different cover tints (Red / White / Green / Blue / Yellow). An AC 20-500V variant is also available.

Specifications (from the seller site):

  • Model: Small Round Digital display Voltage indicator
  • Color: Red / White / Green / Blue / Yellow
  • Installation size: 22mm
  • Measurement range: AC 20-500V / DC 5-60V


A quick test:


Credits and References

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