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#566 4-bit Synchonous Counter

An example 4-bit synchronous counter with tri-state output, and controls for: count enable, output enable, number load, and clear.


Here’s a quick demo..



This is a test of a 4-bit synchronous counter design as used by Ben Eater as the program counter for his 8-bit computer.

It is not useful on its own, but it does nicely demonstrate how a full-featured counter could be implemented in digital logic using two core chips:

  • 74LS161 - 4-bit Binary Counter: provides all the counter features
  • 74LS245 - 3-state Octal Bus Transceiver: for tri-state output control

The specific features it demontrates:

  • clock (CLK) - all actions performed on the rising edge of the clock pulse
  • count enable (CE) - when high, the counter will increment on each clock pulse
  • output enable (-CO, active low) - pulling this signal low will cause the counter output to appear on the output of the 74LS245 transceiver
  • number load (-J, active low i.e “JUMP”) - pulling this signal low will load the number appearing on P0-P3 on the next clock pulse
  • clear (-CLR, active low) - pulling this signal low clears the counter

These are all the controls needed to implement a 4-bit address program counter.

About the 74LS161


About the 74LS245



In the basic basic circuit:

  • control signals are not connected to anything
  • the bus (transceiver output) is not connected to anything externally, just feeds back as the P0-P3 connections for the counter
  • only half the transceiver is used. How the counter output is mapped to the transceiver outputs is an arbitrary and application specific convention



For the actual build on the breadboard, I extended the circuit to make it manually testable:

  • control signals conected to a series of DIP switches with pull-up resistor. This makes them manually controllable.
  • P0-3 inputs simply tied to the 5V or GND rail as desired to indicated the value to be loaded into the counter
  • LEDs with current limiting resistor are connected to the transciever output
  • the clock input is replaced with the LEAP#565 Single-Shot Trigger so that clock pulses can be reliably manually generated


Credits and References

About LEAP#566 74LS16174LS245Digital LogicCMOS/TTL
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