#347 RF Connectors
Notes on miscellaneous RF connectors.
All about Radio Frequency connectors and cables, typical applications:
- between VCR and TV receiver (back in the day!)
- into cable TV, satellite dish
- cable modems
- ham radio
- test equipment
Typically use coaxial cable.
“UHF” Connector
UHF Connector is dated terminology for RF connections using SO-239 (socket) and PL-259 (plug).
- most common type used on HF, also used for VHF, UHF
- scientific, test equipment
- see UHF connector - wikipedia
BNC Connectors
BNC - Bayonet Neill–Concelman.
- used on VHF, UHF, sometimes HF. Use in RF applications is gradually fading.
- widely used outside of RF e.g. test equipment etc
See also:
- BNC Connector - wikipedia
- BNC Connector Series - Amphenol. From 50 Ω to 75 Ω Impedance
How to install a BNC connector on RG-58 coax
w2aew has a great video on crimping your own RG-58 connectors:
A similar technique works for RG174, although with those I find extreme care is required not to destroy the inner pin (I’ve destroyed a few with just a little extra force when crimping)
Crimping Tools
I have an AN-02H1 crimping tool, which conveniently handles RG58 and RG174, among many others.
SMA connector
- commonly used on VHF and above
- used in low-power, mobile
SMA (SubMiniature version A) connectors are semi-precision coaxial RF connectors. SMA connectors can be visually confused with the standard household 75-ohm type F coax connector
Type N
The N connector is a threaded, weatherproof, medium-size RF connector used to join coaxial cables.
- used for high power on VHF, UHF and above
F Connector
- F Quick Connect - non-threaded, goes over thread
- used RF splitter
- RF adapter - F connect to RCA
- F connector - wikipedia
- F-Type connector series - Amphenol’s F-Type is a 75 Ω connector featuring 30 dB return loss at 1GHz.
Coaxial Cable
- Coaxial cable - wikipedia
- RG-58/U - 50Ω Used for radiocommunication and amateur radio, thin Ethernet (10BASE2) and NIM electronics, Loss 1.056 dB/m @ 2.4 GHz. Common.[22]
- RG-59/U - 75Ω Used to carry baseband video in closed-circuit television, previously used for cable television. In general, it has poor shielding but will carry an HQ HD signal or video over short distances
- RG-174/U - 50Ω - Common for Wi-Fi pigtails: more flexible but higher loss than RG58; used with LEMO 00 connectors in NIM electronics.
- RG-213/U - 50Ω - For radiocommunication and amateur radio, EMC test antenna cables. Typically lower loss than RG58. Common.[30]
Typical Crimp Die sizes
Cable | Pin | Ferrule |
RG-59 | 0.068/1.72 | .255/6.48 |
RG-174 | 0.068/1.72 | .178/4.52 |
Resources and Tutorials
RF Connectors and what they’re for: AD#35
Credits and References
- Practical Electronics: Components and Techniques
- Tech Basics: Cables & Connectors - udemy course
- Coax Connectors - Peculiar Parts, the series - elektor article
- AN-02H1 RG58 RG59 RG62 crimper BNC fiber optic Crimping Tool for crimping coaxial cable connectors
- BNC Connector Series - Amphenol. From 50 Ω to 75 Ω Impedance
- Coaxial cable - wikipedia
- BNC Connector - wikipedia
- F connector - wikipedia
- F-Type connector series - Amphenol’s F-Type is a 75 Ω connector featuring 30 dB return loss at 1GHz.
- ..as mentioned on my blog