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#600 CD40106 Schmitt Oscillator

About the CD40106 Hex Inverter with Schmitt Trigger Inputs, and testing its behaviour as a relaxation oscillator square wave generator.



The CD40106 is a hex Schmitt-trigger inverter, featuring six independent inverters with built-in hysteresis to improve noise immunity and signal integrity. It operates over a wide voltage range of 3V to 15V, making it compatible with both low-power and high-voltage applications. The Schmitt-trigger action ensures clean transitions between logic states, making it ideal for signal conditioning, waveform shaping, and switch debounce circuits. Compared to standard inverters like the 74HC04, the CD40106 is better suited for handling slow or noisy input signals.

Test Circuit: The Schmitt Oscillator

An inverter Schmitt oscillator circuit is a simple and widely used configuration for generating square wave signals, typically built using a Schmitt-trigger inverter (like the 74LS14) along with a resistor and capacitor. The circuit works by exploiting the hysteresis property of the Schmitt-trigger, which causes the inverter to switch states at different voltage thresholds. The capacitor charges and discharges through the resistor, creating a time delay that determines the oscillation frequency. When the capacitor voltage reaches the upper threshold, the inverter switches to a low output, causing the capacitor to discharge; when it falls to the lower threshold, the inverter switches back to a high output, repeating the cycle. This results in a continuous square wave output whose frequency is determined by the RC time constant (f = 1 / (1.2 * R * C)). The circuit is valued for its simplicity, reliability, and ability to produce stable oscillations, making it useful in applications like clock generation, tone generation, and timing circuits.

Circuit Design




Test Results

The CD40106 produces a wave very close to 50% duty cycle. It works well with a wide range of R and C values, though the waveform degrades with sloped top/tail and eventually morphs to a sine-like wave at more extreme frequencies.

Actual frequency is not well predicted by simply using the RC time constant.

Note: in these tests, capacitors >=1µF are electrolytic, and < 1µF are monolithic ceramic.

R1 C1 Calc Frequency Measured Frequency +duty% Waveform Quality
220Ω 10nF 378.8 kHz 88.6 kHz 49.6% poor. steep ramps on hi/low side
220Ω 100nF 37.88 kHz 10.83 kHz 48.9% poor. very steep ramps on hi/low side
1kΩ 20pF 41.67 MHz 4.95 MHz 49.8% almost sinusoidal
1kΩ 100pF 8.333 MHz 2.487 MHz 49.9% square but very rounded
1kΩ 330pF 2.525 MHz 1.157 MHz 49.9% square but rounded top
1kΩ 1nF 833.3 kHz 490.9 kHz 49.9% square but slightly sloped ends with a little top ringing
1kΩ 10nF 83.33 kHz 49.57 kHz 50.0% good, square
1kΩ 33nF 25.25 kHz 14,77 kHz 50.0% good, square
1kΩ 100nF 8.333 kHz 5.906 kHz 49.6% ok, sloped top and tail
1kΩ 330nF 2.53 kHz 1.642 kHz 50.0% ok, sloped top and tail
1kΩ 1µF 833.3 Hz 77.3 Hz 50.0% ok, sloped top and tail
1kΩ 10µF 83.33 Hz 47.6 Hz 50.0% ok, sloped top and tail
1kΩ 100µF 8.333 Hz 5.1 Hz 49.9% ok, sloped top and tail
1kΩ 1000µF 0.833 Hz 0.595 Hz 47.6% ok, sloped top and tail
1kΩ 2200µF 0.378 Hz 0.208 Hz 49.6% ok, sloped top and tail
2.2kΩ 10nF 37.88 kHz 27.83 kHz 48.8% good, square
2.2kΩ 100nF 3.788 kHz 3.105 kHz 48.7% good, square
10kΩ 10nF 8.333 kHz 7.092 kHz 47.5% very good, square
10kΩ 100nF 833 Hz 776.3 Hz 47.5% very good, square
100kΩ 10nF 833 Hz 722.5 Hz 47.1% very good, square
100kΩ 100nF 83.3 Hz 78.86 Hz 47.2% very good, square

Some sample traces

Very decent wave at 1kΩ and C=100nF.

  • CH1 (yellow): oscillator output, showing distinct gradients at the top/tail of the cycle
  • CH2 (blue): measuring the buffered output from the second inverter, showing the wave nicely rectified to a clean square wave.


Getting distorted at 1kΩ and C=1nF:


Top/tail distortion quite extreme with 220Ω and C=10nF:


Credits and References

About LEAP#600 CMOS/TTLCD40106Oscillators

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Projects are often inspired by things found wild on the net, or ideas from the many great electronics podcasts and YouTube channels. Feel free to borrow liberally, and if you spot any issues do let me know or send a pull-request.

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