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Project Notes

#646 Radio and Electronics Cookbook

Book notes: Radio and Electronics Cookbook, Radio Society of Great Britain. First published January 3, 2001.



See also:


  1. A medium-wave receiver
  2. An audio-frequency amplifier
  3. A medium-wave receiver using a ferrite-rod aerial
  4. A simple electronic organ
  5. Experiments with the NE555 timer
  6. A simple metronome
  7. What is a resistor?
  8. Waves - Part 1
  9. A beat-frequency oscillator
  10. What is a capacitor?
  11. Waves - Part 2
  12. An LED flasher
  13. Waves - Part 3
  14. Choosing a switch
  15. An aerial tuning unit for a receiver
  16. A simple 2 m receiver preamplifier
  17. Receiving aerials for amateur radio
  18. The Colt 80 m receiver - Part 1
  19. A crystal radio receiver
  20. The varactor (or varicap) diode
  21. A portable radio for medium waves
  22. The Colt 80 m receiver - Part 2
  23. A simple transistor tester
  24. An introduction to transmitters
  25. The Colt 80 m receiver - Part 3
  26. A two-way Morse practice system
  27. The Colt 80 m receiver - Part 4
  28. A simple crystal set
  29. A crystal calibrator
  30. A simple short-wave receiver - Part 1
  31. A fruit-powered medium-wave radio
  32. A capacitance bridge
  33. A simple short-wave receiver - Part 2
  34. A basic continuity tester
  35. A charger for NiCad batteries
  36. An 80 metre crystal-controlled CW transmitter
  37. A solar-powered MW radio
  38. A receiver for the 7 MHz amateur band
  39. Diodes for protection
  40. An RF signal probe
  41. An RF changeover circuit
  42. A low-light indicator
  43. A J-pole aerial for 50 MHz
  44. Measuring light intensity - the photometer
  45. A 70 cm Quad loop aerial
  46. A UHF field strength meter
  47. Christmas tree LEDs
  48. An audio signal injector
  49. Standing waves
  50. A standing-wave indicator for HF
  51. A moisture meter
  52. Simple aerials
  53. A breadboard 80 cm CW transmitter
  54. A 7-element low-pass filter for transmitters
  55. Radio-frequency mixing explained
  56. A voltage monitor for a 12 V power supply
  57. A 1750 Hz toneburst for repeater access
  58. A circuit for flashing LEDs
  59. Digital logic circuits
  60. A resistive SWR indicator
  61. An audio filter for CW
  62. An electronic die
  63. The absorption wavemeter
  64. An HF absorption wavemeter
  65. A vertical aerial for 70 cm
  66. A UHF corner reflector aerial
  67. A switched dummy load
  68. A simple Morse oscillator
  69. A bipolar transistor tester
  70. The ‘Yearling’ 20m receiver
  71. Adding the 80 metre band to the Yearling receiver
  72. How the Yearling works
  73. A field strength meter
  74. Preselector for a short-wave receiver
  75. An audible continuity tester
  76. An experimental 70 cm rhombic aerial
  77. Water level alarm
  78. A delta loop for 20 metres
  79. A simple desk microphone
  80. Morse oscillator
  81. A simple 6 m beam
  82. An integrated circuit amplifier
  83. A novice ATU
  84. CW QRP transmitter for 80 metres
  85. An audio booster for your hand-held
  86. A grid dip oscillator
  87. A CW transmitter for 160 to 20 metres
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