#644 Practical Oscillator Handbook
Book notes: Practical Oscillator Handbook, by Irving M. Gottlieb. First published November 30, 1970.
See also:
- 1 Frequency-determining elements of oscillators
- Parallel-tuned LC circuit
- Losses in a tank circuit
- Characteristics of ‘ideal’ LC resonant circuit
- Resonance in the parallel-tuned LC circuit
- Practical tank circuits with finite losses
- Figure of merit, ‘Q’
- Physical interpretation of R,
- Phase characteristics of parallel-tuned LC circuit
- Series-resonant tank circuits
- L/C ratio in tank circuits
- Transmission lines
- The delay line
- Distributed parameters from ‘lumped’ LC circuit
- Resonance in transmission lines
- Concept of field propagation in waveguides
- Some important features of lines and guides
- Quartz crystals
- A closer look at crystal operating conditions
- Magnetostrictive element
- The magnetostriction oscillator
- The tuning fork
- RC networks as oscillating elements
- LC networks as phase shifters
- 2 Active devices used in oscillators
- The bipolar junction transistor
- Transistor polarity and Darlington pairs
- MOSFET transistors
- Operating modes of MOSFETs and JFETs
- The voltage-follower format of active devices
- Bias considerations in active devices
- Using the op amp in oscillators
- Modes of operation for op amps and logic circuits
- Neon bulb as a switching device
- Thyratrons
- The thyratron inverter
- Spark-gap oscillator
- Negative-resistance devices
- The dynatron oscillator
- Transitron oscillator
- The unijunction transistor
- Triode input as negative resistance
- The saturable magnetic core
- Oscillation in the saturable-core circuit
- The electron beam in a vacuum
- The magnetron
- The reflex klystron
- Travelling-wave tubes and the backward-wave oscillator
- Oscillator theory in terms in the universal amplifier
- Some considerations in the selection of semiconductor devices for oscillators
- 3 Theory of oscillators
- The tunnel diode
- The Class-C feedback oscillator
- The question of original signal voltage
- Initiation of oscillation build-up
- Effect of fixed bias on spontaneous oscillation build-up
- Effect of positive feedback on gain of an amplifier
- Physical interpretation of infinite gain
- Feedback and negative resistance from the ‘viewpoint’ of the resonant tank
- The practical obsctacle to infinite build-up
- Springs, weights and oscillating charges
- Divergent effects of bias in feedback and negative-resistance oscillators
- The multivibrator
- The blocking oscillator
- The squegging oscillator
- Sine wave oscillation in the phase-shift oscillator
- The parallel-T oscillator
- The Wien bridge oscillator
- Loading of oscillators
- The electron-coupled oscillator
- 4 Some practical aspects of various oscillators
- Three types of Hartley oscillators
- The Lampkin oscillator
- The tuned-plate/tuned-grid oscillator
- The Miller oscillator
- The Colpitts oscillator
- The ultra-audion oscillator
- The Pierce oscillator
- The Clapp oscillator
- The tri-tet oscillator
- The Meissner oscillator
- The Meacham bridge oscillator
- Line oscillators
- The magnetostriction oscillator
- The Franklin oscillator
- The Butler oscillator
- Bipolar transistor oscillators
- The unijunction transistor oscillator
- Optimizing the performance of the Miller crystal oscillator
- Optimizing the performance of the Colpitts crystal oscillator
- 5 Universal oscillator circuits
- The universal amplifier: the three-terminal device
- 100 kHz transistor Butler oscillator
- An example of a dual-gate MOSFET oscillator
- Single transistor parallel-T oscillator
- Several special-interest feedback circuits
- A harmonic oscillator using a fundamental-frequency crystal
- A bipolar transistor overtone crystal oscillator
- An overtone crystal oscillator circuit using a FET
- The use of diodes to select crystals electronically
- Electronic tuning with a reverse-biased silicon diode
- Wien bridge oscillator
- The op amp square-wave oscillator
- Oscillator using an IC timer
- A simple function generator
- Square-wave oscillator using logic circuits
- A few words about the SN7400 NAND gate IC
- Logic circuit square-wave oscillator with crystal stabilization
- A clock oscillator formed from cross-coupled tel NAND gates
- Voltage-controlled oscillators
- The Schmitt-trigger oscillator
- 6 Special oscillator topics
- Guidelines for optimizing VFO performance
- Some notes on VXOs
- The ceramic filter oscillator
- The regenerative modulator— is it an oscillator?
- The phase-locked loop and synthesized oscillators
- A second way of synthesizing frequencies from a reference oscillator
- Quelling undesired oscillations
- Fancy oscillator functions for the 555 IC timer
- Wide tuning range via the difference oscillator
- Microwave oscillators
- The Gunn Diode
- Gated oscillators for clean turn-on and turn-off