#626 More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio
Book notes: More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio, by Glen Popiel. Published May 1, 2017.
See also:
Table of Contents
Contents | LEAP? |
1 Introduction to the Arduino | |
2 Arduino Boards and Variants | |
3 Arduino Shields, Modules, and Devices | |
4 Arduino 1/O Methods | |
5 Creating Arduino Projects | |
6 Andriod and PC-side applications | |
7 Test Equipment and Construction Tips | |
8 Auto On/Off Mobile Power Control | |
9 Station Power Monitor | |
10 AC Current Monitor | |
11 Load Tester | |
12 Voice Memory Keyer | |
13 Wireless Remote Coax Switch | |
14 Wireless Remote Telemetry | |
15 GPS-Based Ethernet Network Time Protocol Server | |
16 Yaesu FT-series Transceiver Rotator Controller Interface | |
17 Yaesu G-450A/G-800SA Rotator Controller Rebuild | |
18 Yaesu Rotator Controller Modification | |
19 1 to 30 MHz DDS VFO | |
20 Antenna SWR Analyzer | |
21 40 Meter QRP CW Transceiver | |
22 40 Meter QRP JT65 Transceiver | |
23 In Conclusion |