#718 MicroPython Cookbook
Book notes: MicroPython Cookbook: Over 110 practical recipes for programming embedded systems and microcontrollers with Python, by Marwan Alsabbagh. Published May 21, 2019.
See also:
- amazon
- goodreads
- https://www.packtpub.com/en-us/product/micropython-cookbook-9781838641955
- https://github.com/PacktPublishing/MicroPython-Cookbook
- Getting started with MicroPython
- Controlling LEDs
- Creating Sound and Music
- Interacting with Buttons
- Reading Sensor Data
- Fruity Tunes
- Let’s Move It, Move It
- Coding on the micro:bit
- Controlling the ESP8266
- Interacting with the Filesystem
- Building an Internet of Things (IoT) Weather Machine
- Coding on the Adafruit HalloWing Microcontroller
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