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Project Notes

#639 Circuit Scrapbook, Vol 1

Book notes: The Forrest Mims Circuit Scrapbook, Vol 1, First published September 1, 2000.



See also:


Analog Circuits

  1. Analog Computer Circuits / 3
  2. The Analog Sample/Hold Circuit / 8
  3. The Analog Comparator / 10
  4. Voltage-to-Frequency Converters / 12
  5. Frequency-to-Voltage Converters / 15
  6. Dark/Light Detector / 17
  7. Experimenting with Noise / 18 **
  8. An Op-Amp AM Radio / 20 **
  9. Programmable-Gain Amplifiers / 21
  10. Remote Sensing / 24
  11. Experimenting with a Joystick: Basic Concepts and Applications / 28

Light and Light Communications

  1. Phototransistor Receiver Module / 35
  2. LED Transmitter Module / 36
  3. Eavesdropping on Light / 36
  4. Optical Fiber Communications / 38
  5. Light-Wave Voice Communicator / 42
  6. Experimenting with a Light Pen / 43
  7. A Light-Sensitive Tone Generator / 49 **

LED Circuits

  1. A High-Resolution LED Display / 53
  2. LED Bargraph Display Chips / 54
  3. High-Current LED Puiser / 57
  4. Tri-State LED Demonstrator / 58

Test and Measurement Circuits

  1. Experimental Solid-State Oscilloscope / 61
  2. Missing-Pulse Detectors / 63
  3. A “Matchbox” LED Oscilloscope / 65
  4. Solid-State Oscilloscope Wrap-Up / 66
  5. Do-lt-Yourself Counters / 69
  6. X100 Frequency Multiplier / 71
  7. Audible Pulse Indicator / 72
  8. A Solid-State Panel Meter / 72

Power Sources

  1. Miniature DC-DC Converter / 77
  2. An Integrated Polarity Converter / 78
  3. The Polapulse® Wafer Battery / 80
  4. Do-lt-Yourself Batteries / 83

Digital Circuits

  1. The Digital Comparator / 89
  2. CMOS Tone Sequencer / 92
  3. Modifying Calculators / 94
  4. Digital Stopwatch / 95
  5. The Digital Phase-Locked Loop / 96
  6. Digital Color Organ / 102
  7. Experimenting with Shift Registers / 102
  8. More on Shift Registers / 105
  9. CMOS Basics: The 4011 Quad NAND Gate / 109
  10. Model-Railroad Crossing Light / 112
  11. Simple BCD Keyboard Encoder / 113
  12. Precision CMOS Clock Generator / 114
  13. Experimenting with High-Speed Logic / 114

Experimenter, Hobby and Game Circuits

  1. Binary Hi-Lo Game / 121
  2. IC Interval Timers / 121
  3. Universal Tri-State Tone Generators / 124
  4. Pseudorandom Number Generator / 125
  5. Pocket Color Organ / 126
  6. More on Pseudorandom Number Generators / 128
  7. General-Purpose Utility Amplifier / 129 **
  8. Hall-Effect Magnetic Sensor / 130
  9. Programmable Countdown Timer / 131
  10. Ultra-Simple Power Flasher / 132
  11. A Simple Wind-Speed Indicator / 133
  12. Transistorized Light Flasher / 134
  13. A Liquid-Level Indicator for the Blind / 135
  14. Steam Engine and Whistle Sound Synthesizer / 136
  15. A Simple, Low-Cost Timer / 137
  16. Experimenting with an Air Pressure Switch / 138
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LEAP is my personal collection of electronics projects - usually involving an Arduino or other microprocessor in one way or another. Some are full-blown projects, while many are trivial breadboard experiments, intended to learn and explore something interesting.

Projects are often inspired by things found wild on the net, or ideas from the many great electronics podcasts and YouTube channels. Feel free to borrow liberally, and if you spot any issues do let me know or send a pull-request.

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