#659 ARRL Hands-On Radio Experiments Volume 3
Book notes: ARRL’s Hands-On Radio Experiments Volume 3, by H. Ward Silver. Published January 1, 2018.
One of my favourite books for studying discrete aspects of electronics. Compiled from magazine articles, each chapter presents the topic with superb clarity, coupled with a practical demonstration.
See also:
Electronic Circuits
- Experiment #125 - The Schmitt Trigger
- Experiment #129 - Wye-Delta and Pi-T Circuits
- Experiment #132 - Resistor Networks
- Experiment #141 - Window Comparators and Null Detectors
- Experiment #143 - Delay Circuits
- Experiment #155 - Negative-Voltage Circuits
- Experiment #156 - Designing a Broadcast Reject Filter
- Experiment #164 - Dividers
- Experiment #167 - Clean Audio for Comfortable Listening
- Experiment #174 - Switching Amplifiers
Antennas and Propagation
- Experiment #124 - The Beta Match
- Experiment #133 - Extended Double Zepp Antenna
- Experiment #136 - End-Fed Antennas
- Experiment #150 - Log-periodic Basics
- Experiment #165 - Propagation Prediction
- Experiment #176 - Dipole Feed Points
Transmission Lines and Impedance Matching
Experiment #131 - Coax-to-Open Wire Balun Experiment #137 - Choosing a Feed Line Experiment #157 - Matching Network Design and Build Experiment #159 - More L Network Design Experiment #166 - Optimizing Placement of Stubs Experiment #177 - Feed Line Comparison
Electronic Fundamentals
- Experiments #126, 127, 128 - Phasors, Parts 1, 2, and 3
- Experiment #134 - Effects of Junction Temperature
- Experiment #138 - E versus V
- Experiment #139 - Digital Code Basics
- Experiment #154 - Power Factor and Phase Angle
- Experiment #170 - Noise Figure
- Experiment #175 - Dissimilar Metals
- Experiments #178-179 - Maxwell’s Equations
Electronic Components
- Experiments #122, 123 - Battery Characteristics, Parts 1 and 2
- Experiment #142 - Inductors at RF
- Experiment #147 - Capacitors at RF
- Experiment #160 - Transistors at High Frequencies
- Experiment #161 - Transistor Subtleties
- Experiment #169 - Gas Discharge Tubes
- Experiment #172 - Wire Characteristics at RF
- Experiment #173 - The PC Trace at RP
Tests and Test Equipment
- Experiment #140 - RF Measuring Tools
- Experiment #158 - Test Sets
- Experiment #162 - Oscilloscope Triggering and RF
- Experiment #163 - E- and H-Field Probes
- Experiment #168 - Evaluating Filters
RF Techniques
- Experiment #135 - Crimp Connectors
- Experiment #144 - The Myth of RF Ground
- Experiment #145 - Grounding and Bonding Systems
- Experiment #146 - Notes on Bonding and Shielding
- Experiment #149 - Accidental Mixers
Practical Station Practices
- Experiment #130 - Communications Speakers
- Experiment #148 - Proof of Performance
- Experiment #151 - Quist Quizzes
- Experiment #152 - Improvisation
- Experiment #153 - Learn by Fixing
- Experiment #171 - AC Power Distribution