#650 ARRL Handbook 2017
Book notes: The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2017. Published September 30, 2016.
See also:
- 1 What is Amateur (Ham) Radio?
- 1.1 Do-It-Yourself Wireless
- 1.2 Joining the Ham Radio Community
- 1.3 Your Ham Radio Station
- 1.4 Getting on the Air
- 1.5 Your Ham Radio “Lifestyle”
- 1.6 Public Service
- 1.7 Ham Radio in the Classroom
- 1.8 Resources
- 1.9 Glossary
- 2 Electrical Fundamentals
- 2.1 Introduction to Electricity
- 2.2 Resistance and Conductance
- 2.3 Basic Circuit Principles
- 2.4 Power and Energy
- 2.5 Circuit Control Components
- 2.6 AC Theory and Waveforms
- 2.7 Capacitance and Capacitors
- 2.8 Inductance and Inductors
- 2.9 Working with Reactance
- 2.10 Impedance
- 2.11 Quality Factor (Q) of Components
- 2.12 Practical Inductors
- 2.13 Resonant Circuits
- 2.14 Transformers
- 2.15 Heat Management
- 2.16 Radio Mathematics
- 2.17 References and Bibliography
- 3 Analog Basics
- 3.1 Analog Signal Processing
- 3.2 Analog Devices
- 3.3 Practical Semiconductors
- 3.4 Analog Systems
- 3.5 Amplifiers
- 3.6 Operational Amplifiers
- 3.7 Analog-Digital Conversion
- 3.8 Miscellaneous Analog ICs
- 3.9 Analog Glossary
- 3.10 References and Bibliography
- 4 Digital Basics
- 4.1 Digital vs Analog
- 4.2 Number Systems
- 4.3 Physical Representation of Binary States
- 4.4 Combinational Logic
- 4.5 Sequential Logic
- 4.6 Digital Integrated Circuits
- 4.7 Analog-Digital Interfacing
- 4.8 Microcontroller Overview
- 4.9 Personal Computer Interfaces
- 4.10 Glossary of Digital Electronics Terms
- 4.11 References and Bibliography
- 5 RF Techniques
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Lumped-Element versus Distributed Characteristics
- 5.3 Effects of Parasitic Characteristics
- 5.4 Semiconductor Circuits at RF
- 5.5 Ferrite Materials
- 5.6 Impedance Matching Networks
- 5.7 RF Transformers
- 5.8 Noise
- 5.9 Two-Port Networks
- 5.10 RF Techniques Glossary
- 5.11 References and Bibliography
- 6 Computer-Aided Circuit Design
- 6.1 Circuit Simulation Overview
- 6.2 Simulation Basics
- 6.3 Limitations of Simulation at RF
- 6.4 CAD for PCB Design
- 6.5 References and Bibliography
- 7 Power Sources
- 7.1 Power Processing
- 7.2 AC-AC Power Conversion
- 7.3 Power Transformers
- 7.4 AC-DC Power Conversion
- 7.5 Voltage Multipliers
- 7.6 Current Multipliers
- 7.7 Rectifier Types
- 7.8 Power Filtering
- 7.9 Power Supply Regulation
- 7.10 “Crowbar” Protective Circuits
- 7.11 DC-DC Switchmode Power Conversion
- 7.12 High-Voltage Techniques
- 7.13 Batteries
- 7.14 Glossary of Power Supply Terms
- 7.15 Reference and Bibliography
- 7.16 Power Source Projects
- 8 Modulation
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Analog Modulation
- 8.3 Digital Modulation
- 8.4 Image Modulation
- 8.5 Modulation Impairments
- 8.6 Modulation Glossary
- 8.7 References and Bibliography
- 9 Oscillators and Synthesizers
- 9.1 How Oscillators Work
- 9.2 Phase Noise
- 9.3 Oscillator Circuits and Construction
- 9.4 Building an Oscillator
- 9.5 Crystal Oscillators
- 9.6 Oscillators at UHF and Above
- 9.7 Frequency Synthesizers
- 9.8 Glossary of Oscillator and Synthesizer Terms
- 9.9 References and Bibliography
- 10 Mixers, Modulators and Demodulators
- 10.1 The Mechanism of Mixers and Mixing
- 10.2 Mixers and Amplitude Modulation
- 10.3 Mixers and Angle Modulation
- 10.4 Putting Mixers, Modulators and Demodulators to Work
- 10.5 A Survey of Common Mixer Types
- 10.6 References and Bibliography
- 11 RF and AF Filters
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 Filter Basics
- 11.3 Lumped-Element Filters
- 11.4 Filter Design Examples
- 11.5 Active Audio Filters
- 11.6 Quartz Crystal Filters
- 11.7 SAW Filters
- 11.8 Transmission Line Filters
- 11.9 Helical Resonators
- 11.10 Use of Filters at VHF and UHF
- 11.11 Filter Projects
- 11.12 Filter Glossary
- 11.13 References and Bibliography
- 12 Receivers
- 12.1 Characterizing Receivers
- 12.2 Basics of Heterodyne Receivers
- 12.3 The Superheterodyne Receiver
- 12.4 Superhet Receiver Design Details
- 12.5 Control and Processing Outside the Primary Signal Path
- 12.6 Pulse Noise Reduction
- 12.7 VHF and UHF Receivers
- 12.8 UHF and Microwave Techniques
- 12.9 References and Bibliography
- 13 Transmitters and Transceivers
- 13.1 Transmitter Modulation Types and Methods
- 13.2 VHF Signal Sources
- 13.3 Increasing Transmitter Power
- 13.4 Transceiver Construction and Control
- 13.5 Transceiver Projects
- 13.6 References and Bibliography
- 14 Telemetry and Navigation
- 14.1 Sensors
- 14.2 Navigation Data and Telemetry
- 14.3 Platform Design
- 14.4 References and Bibliography
- 15 DSP and Software Radio Design
- 15.1 Introduction
- 15.2 Typical DSP System Block Diagram
- 15.3 Digital Signals
- 15.4 Digital Filters
- 15.5 Miscellaneous DSP Algorithms
- 15.6 Analytic Signals and Modulation
- 15.7 Software-Defined Radios (SDR)
- 15.8 Glossary
- 15.9 References and Bibliography
- 16 Digital Modes
- 16.1 Digital “Modes”
- 16.2 Unstructured Digital Modes
- 16.3 Fuzzy Modes
- 16.4 Structured Digital Modes
- 16.5 Networking Modes
- 16.6 Digital Mode Table
- 16.7 Glossary
- 16.8 References and Bibliography
- 17 RF Power Amplifiers
- 17.1 High Power, Who Needs It?
- 17.2 Types of Power Amplifiers
- 17.3 Vacuum Tube Basics
- 17.4 Tank Circuits
- 17.5 Transmitting Tube Ratings
- 17.6 Sources of Operating Voltages
- 17.7 Tube Amplifier Cooling
- 17.8 Vacuum Tube Amplifier Stabilization
- 17.9 MOSFET Design for RF Amplifiers
- 17.10 Solid-State RF Amplifiers
- 17.11 Solid State Amplifier Projects
- 17.12 Tube Amplifier Projects
- 17.13 References and Bibliography
- 18 Repeaters
- 18.1 A Brief History
- 18.2 Repeater Overview
- 18.3 FM Voice Repeaters
- 18.4 D-STAR Repeater Systems
- 18.5 Digital Mobile Radio (DMR)
- 18.6 Other Digital Voice Repeater Technologies
- 18.7 Glossary of FM and Repeater Terminology
- 18.8 References and Bibliography
- 19 Propagation of Radio Signals
- 19.1 Fundamentals of Radio Waves
- 19.2 Sky-Wave Propagation and the Sun
- 19.3 MUF Predictions
- 19.4 Propagation in the Troposphere
- 19.5 VHF/UHF Mobile Propagation
- 19.6 Propagation for Space Communications
- 19.7 Noise and Propagation
- 19.8 Propagation Below the AM Broadcast Band
- 19.9 Glossary of Radio Propagation Terms
- 19.10 References and Bibliography
- 20 Transmission Lines
- 20.1 Transmission Line Basics
- 20.2 Choosing a Transmission Line
- 20.3 The Transmission Line as Impedance Transformer
- 20.4 Matching Impedances in the Antenna System
- 20.5 Baluns and Transmission-Line Transformers
- 20.6 Waveguides
- 20.7 Glossary of Transmission Line Terms
- 20.8 References and Bibliography
- 21 Antennas
- 21.1 Antenna Basics
- 21.2 Dipoles and the Half-Wave Antenna
- 21.3 Vertical (Ground-Plane) Antennas
- 21.4 T and Inverted-L Antennas
- 21.5 Slopers and Vertical Dipoles
- 21.6 Yagi Antennas
- 21.7 Quad and Loop Antennas
- 21.8 HF Mobile Antennas
- 21.9 VHF/UHF Mobile Antennas
- 21.10 VHF/UHF Antennas
- 21.11 VHF/UHF Beams
- 21.12 Direction-Finding Antennas
- 21.13 Glossary
- 21.14 References and Bibliography
- 22 Component Data and References
- 22.1 Component Data
- 22.2 Resistors
- 22.3 Capacitors
- 22.4 Inductors
- 22.5 Transformers
- 22.6 Semiconductors
- 22.7 Tubes, Wire, Materials, Attenuators, Miscellaneous
- 22.8 Computer Connectors
- 22.9 RF Connectors and Transmission Lines
- 22.10 Reference Tables
- 23 Construction Techniques
- 23.1 Electronic Shop Safety
- 23.2 Tools and Their Use
- 23.3 Soldering Tools and Techniques
- 23.4 Surface Mount Technology (SMT)
- 23.5 Constructing Electronic Circuits
- 23.6 Microwave Construction
- 23.7 Mechanical Fabrication
- 24 Station Accessories
- 24.1 A 100-W Compact Z-Match Antenna Tuner
- 24.2 A Microprocessor-Controlled SWR Monitor
- 24.3 A 160- and 80-Meter Matching Network for Your 43-Foot Vertical
- 24.4 Switching the Matching Network for Your 43-Foot Vertical
- 24.5 An External Automatic Antenna Switch for Use with Yaesu or ICOM Radios
- 24.6 A Low-Cost Remote Antenna Switch
- 24.7 Audible Antenna Bridge
- 24.8 A Trio of Transceiver/Computer Interfaces
- 24.9 A Simple Serial Interface
- 24.10 USB Interfaces for Your Ham Gear
- 24.11 The Universal Keying Adapter
- 24.12 The TiCK-4 — A Tiny CMOS Keyer
- 24.13 An Arduino-Based Knob Box for SDR
- 24.14 An Audio Intelligibility Enhancer
- 24.15 An Audio Interface Unit for Field Day and Contesting
- 24.16 Two QSK Controllers for Amplifiers
- 24.17 A Legal-Limit Bias-Tee
- 24.18 An Eight-Channel Remote-Control Antenna Switch
- 25 Test Equipment and Measurements
- 25.1 Introduction
- 25.2 DC Measurements
- 25.3 AC Measurements
- 25.4 RF Measurements
- 25.5 Receiver Measurements
- 25.6 Transmitter Measurements
- 25.7 Miscellaneous Measurements
- 25.8 Construction Projects
- 25.9 References and Further Reading
- 25.10 Test and Measurement Glossary
- 26 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
- 26.1 Test Equipment
- 26.2 Components
- 26.3 Getting Started
- 26.4 Inside the Equipment
- 26.5 Testing at the Circuit Level
- 26.6 After the Repairs
- 26.7 Professional Repairs
- 26.8 Typical Symptoms and Faults
- 26.9 Radio Troubleshooting Hints
- 26.10 Antenna Systems
- 26.11 Repair and Restoration of Vintage Equipment
- 26.12 References and Bibliography
- 27 RF Interference
- 27.1 Managing Radio Frequency Interference
- 27.2 FCC Rules and Regulations
- 27.3 Elements of RFI
- 27.4 Identifying the Type of RFI Source
- 27.5 Locating Sources of RFI
- 27.6 Power-line Noise
- 27.7 Elements of RFI Control
- 27.8 Troubleshooting RFI
- 27.9 Automotive RFI
- 27.10 RFI Projects
- 27.11 RFI Glossary
- 27.12 References and Bibliography
- 28 Safety
- 28.1 Electrical Safety
- 28.2 Antenna and Tower Safety
- 28.3 RF Safety
- 29 Assembling a Station
- 29.1 Fixed Stations
- 29.2 Mobile Installations
- 29.3 Portable Installations
- 29.4 Remote Stations
- 29.5 References and Bibliography
Supplemental Files
Supplemental files are included on the CD-ROM. They include additional discussion, related articles, additional projects, full-size PC board etching patterns and templates, program examples, construction details and other useful information. All of these packages are available on this CD-ROM in the Supplemental Files directory and then organized by chapter. (Note: Chapters 1 and 8 have no supplemental files.)
Chapter 2 Supplemental Articles
- “Radio Mathematics” — supplemental information about math used in radio and a list of online resources and tutorials about common mathematics
- “Hands-On Radio: Kirchoff’s Laws” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: Laying Down the Laws” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: Putting the Laws to Work” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: Thevenin Equivalents” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “A Tutorial on the Decibel” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Thermistors in Homebrew Projects” by Bill Sabin, WØIYH
- “Thermistor Based Temperature Controller” by Bill Sabin, WØIYH
Chapter 3 Supplemental Articles
- “Hands-On Radio: The Common Emitter Amplifier” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: The Emitter-Follower Amplifier” by Ward Silver, NØAX * “Hands-On Radio: The Common Base Amplifier” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: Field Effect Transistors” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: Basic Operational Amplifiers” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: Load Lines” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Hands-On Radio: The Effects of Gain-Bandwidth Product” by Ward Silver, NØAX * Cathode Ray Tubes
- Large Signal Transistor Operation
Tools and Data
- LTSpice Simulation Files for Chapter 3
- Frequency Response Spreadsheet
Chapter 4 Supplemental Articles
- “Interfacing to the Parallel Port” and supporting files by Paul Danzer, N1II “Learning to PIC with a PIC-EL” (Parts 1 and 2) by Craig Johnson, AAØZZ “Pickle with USB I/O” by Craig Johnson, AAØZZ
Chapter 5 Supplemental Articles
- “Reflections on the Smith Chart” by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI
- Tuned Networks
- “Simplified Design of Impedance-Matching Networks,” Parts I through III by George Grammer, W1DF (SK)
- LTSpice simulation files for Section 5.3, Effects of Parasitic Characteristics
- “Noise Instrumentation and Measurement” by Paul Wade, W1GHZ
Chapter 6 Supplemental Articles
- “The Dangers of Simple Usage of Microwave Software” by Ulrich Rohde, N1UL and Hans Hartnagel
- “Using Simulation at RF” by Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
- “Mathematical Stability Problems in Modern Non-Linear Simulation Programs” by Ulrich Rohde, N1UL and Rucha Lakhe
- Examples of Circuit Simulation by David Newkirk, W9VES
Chapter 7 Projects
- Four Output Bench Supply
- 12 V 15 A Power Supply — Article and PCB Template
- 13.8 V 5 A Power Supply — PCB Template
- 28 V High Current Power Supply — Article and PCB Template
- Dual Output Power Supply
- Micro M+ PV Charge Controller
- Revisiting the 12 V Power Supply
- Series Regulator Power Supply — Article and PCB Template
- Build an Inverting DC-DC Converter
- “Simple Adjustable Tracking Power Supply” by Bryant Julstrom, KCØZNG * “A Deluxe High Voltage Supply” by James Garland, W8ZR
Supplemental Articles
- Testing and Monitoring Batteries — Excerpts from Batteries in a Portable World by Isidor Buchmann
- Vacuum Tube and Obsolete Rectifiers
Chapter 9 Supplemental Files
- Measuring Receiver Phase Noise
- “Oscillator Design Using LTSpice” by David Stockton, GM4ZNX (includes LTSpice simulation files in SwissRoll folder)
- Using the MC1648 in Oscillators
- “Novel Grounded Base Oscillator Design for VHF-UHF” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
- “Optimized Oscillator Design” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
- “Oscillator Phase Noise” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
- “Some Thoughts On Crystal Oscillator Design” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
- “Calculation of FM and AM Noise Signals of Colpitts Oscillators in the Time Domain” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
- “Some Thoughts on Designing Very High Performance VHF Oscillators” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
- “What You Always Wanted to Know About Colpitts Oscillators” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL, and Anisha M. Apt
Chapter 10 Supplemental Articles
- “Modern Receiver Mixers for High Dynamic Range” by Doug DeMaw, W1FB (SK) and George Collins, KC1V
- “Performance Capability Of Active Mixers” by Dr Ulrich Rohde, N1UL
Chapter 11 Supplemental Articles
- “Using Active Filter Design Tools” by Dan Tayloe, N7VE
- “Crystal Parameter Measurements Simplified”, by Chuck Adams, K7QO Projects
- “An Easy-to-Build, High-Performance Passive CW Filter” by Ed Wetherhold, W3NQN
- “A High Performance, Low Cost 1.8 to 54 MHz Low Pass Filter” by Bill Jones, K8CU
Chapter 12 Supplemental Files
- “Amateur Radio Equipment Development — An Historical Perspective” by Joel Hallas, W1ZR
- “A Dual Band Low Noise Amplifier for 2 Meters and 70 Centimeters” by Jim Kocsis, WA9PYH
- “A High Performance 45 MHz IF Amplifier” by Colin Horrabin, G3SBI
Project Files
- Rock Bending Receiver PCB template by Randy Henderson, WI5W
- 10 GHz preamp PCB template by Zack Lau, W1VT
- Binaural Receiver project by Rick Campbell, KK7B
Chapter 13 Supplemental Articles and Projects
- “Designing and Building Transistor Linear Power Amplifiers” Parts 1 and 2 by Rick Campbell, KK7B
- “A Fast TR Switch” by Jack Kuecken, KE2QJ
- “A Homebrew High Performance HF Transceiver — the HBR-2000” by Markus Hansen, VE7CA
- “The MicroT2 — A Compact Single-Band SSB Transmitter” by Rick Campbell, KK7B
- “The MkII — An Updated Universal QRP Transmitter” by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI
- “The Norcal Sierra: An 80-15 M CW Transceiver” by Wayne Burdick, N6KR (plus supporting files)
- “The Rockmite — A Simple Single-Band CW Transceiver” by Dave Benson, K1SWL (plus supporting files)
- “The TAK-40 SSB/CW Transceiver” by Jim Veatch, WA2EUJ
- “A Transmitter for Fox Hunting” by Mark Spencer, WA8SME
- “The Tuna Tin 2 Today” by Ed Hare, W1RFI
- “VHF Open Sources” by Rick Campbell, KK7B (plus parts placement guides)
- “A Microwave Controller” by Hamish Kellock, OH2GAQ
- “A 50 MHz CW Beacon” and “50 MHz Parts List” by Michael Sapp, WA3TTS
- “VHF and UHF CW Beacons” by Michael Sapp, WA3TTS
- “A West Coast Lightwave Project” by Steve McDonald, VE7SL, and Markus Hansen, VE7CA
Chapter 14 Supplemental Articles
- “A Simple Sensor Package for High Altitude Ballooning” by John Post, KA5GSQ
- “APRS Unveiled” by Bob Simmons, WB6EYV
- “APRS with a Smartphone” by Pat Cain, KØPC
- “ARRL Education and Technology Program Space/Sea Buoy” by Mark Spencer, WA8SME
- “Touching Near Space on a Budget” by Paul Verhage, KD4STH
- Collection of Powerpoint presentations and PDF articles by Paul Verhage, KD4STH, on high-altitude platforms, including BalloonSat construction and testing
- “Fox-1 Satellite Telemetry – Part 1: On the Satellite,” by Burns Fisher, W2BFJ
- “Fox-1 Satellite Telemetry – Part 2: FoxTelem,” by Chris Thompson, AC2CZ
Chapter 15
- A collection of DSP projects with supporting files
- A discussion of DSP calculations with samples and files that accompany the discussion
Chapter 16 Supplemental Files
- Table of digital mode characteristics (section 16.6)
- ASCII and ITA2 code tables
- Varicode tables for PSK31, MFSK16 and DominoEX
- “Operating Tips for Digital Voice Using FreeDV” by Mel Whitten, KØPFX
- Digital Modes - Lowest Permitted Amateur Frequency
Chapter 17 Supplemental Articles
- Tuned (Resonant) Networks (for use with MATCH.EXE)
- Design Example — RF Amplifier using 8877 Vacuum Tube by John Stanley, K4ERO
- Design Example — MOSFET Thermal Design by Dick Frey, K4XU
- Determining a Transistor’s Power Rating (APT Application Note) by Dick Frey, K4XU
- ARRL RF Amplifier Classics Table of Contents
HF Amplifier Projects
- “The Everyham’s Amp” by John Stanley, K4ERO
- Everyham’s Amp files — construction notes, layouts, modifications for various tube types
- “A 3CX1500D7 RF Linear Amplifier” by Jerry Pittenger, K8RA
- 3CX1500D7 HF amplifier files — PCB layout, Pi-L values spreadsheet
- “A 250 W Broadband Solid-State Linear Amplifier” by Dick Frey, K4XU
- 250 W solid state amplifier files — PCB artwork, parts lists, photos (including updated PCB and schematic files, Mar 2013)
- “The Sunnyvale/Saint Petersburg Kilowatt-Plus,” a 4CX1600B HF amplifier project by George Daughters, K6GT
VHF Amplifier Projects
- “A 6 Meter Kilowatt Amplifier” by Dick Stevens, W1QWJ (SK)
- “144 MHz Amplifier Using the 3CX1200Z7” by Russ Miller, N7ART
- “Build a Linear 2 Meter, 80 W All Mode Amplifier” by James Klitzing, W6PQL
- “Design Notes for ‘A Luxury Linear’ Amplifier” by Mark Mandelkern, K5AM
- “High-Performance Grounded-Grid 220-MHz Kilowatt Linear” by Robert Sutherland, W6PO (SK)
UHF/Microwave Amplifier Projects
- “432 MHz 3CX800A7 Amplifier” by Steve Powlishen, K1FO (SK)
- “A High-Power Cavity Amplifier for the New 900-MHz Band” by Robert Sutherland, W6PO (SK)
- “A Quarter-Kilowatt 23-cm Amplifier” by Chip Angle, N6CA
- “2 Watt RF Power Amplifier for 10 GHz” by Steven Lampereur, KB9MWR
Chapter 18 Supplemental Articles
- “From Analog to D-STAR” by Gary Pearce, KN4AQ
- “Discovering D-STAR” by Larry Moxon, K1KRC
- “D-STAR Uncovered” by Pete Loveall, AE5PL
- “Operating D-STAR” by Gary Pearce, KN4AQ
Chapter 19 Supplemental Articles
- “The Penticton Solar Flux Receiver,” by John White, VA7JW and Ken Tapping
- “Hands-On Radio: Recording Signals”, W Silver, NØAX Projects
- “Build a Homebrew Radio Telescope”, M Spencer, WA8SME
Chapter 20 Supplemental Articles
- “Multiband Operation with Open-wire Line” by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
- Smith Chart Supplement
- “Measuring Receiver Isolation” by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
- “A Commercial Triplexer Design” by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
- “HF Yagi Triplexer Especially for ARRL Field Day” by Gary Gordon, K6KV
- “Using TLW to Design Impedance Matching Networks” by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
- “Measuring Ferrite Chokes” by Jim Brown, K9YC
- “Microwave Plumbing” by Paul Wade, W1GHZ
- Transmission Lines in Digital Circuits
- Matching network material and MATCH.EXE by Bill Sabin, WØIYH
- “Optimizing the Placement of Stubs for Harmonic Suppression” by Jim Brown, K9YC
- “Optimizing the Performance of Harmonic Attenuation Stubs” by George Cutsogeorge, W2VJN
Chapter 21 Supplemental Articles
- “Direction Finding Techniques” by Joe Moell, KØOV Projects
- “Rotatable Dipole Inverted-U Antenna” by L.B. Cebik, W4RNL
- Construction details for “Top-Loaded Low-Band Antenna” by Dick Stroud, W9SR
- “Five-Band Two-Element Quad” by Al Doig, W6NBH, and William Stein, KC6T
- “Medium-Gain 2 Meter Yagi” by L.B. Cebik, W4RNL
- “K8SYL’s 75 and 10-Meter Dipole” by Sylvia Hutchinson, K8SYL
- “A Plumber’s Delight for 2 Meters — An All-Copper J-Pole” by Michael Hood, KD8JB
- “Cheap Antennas for the AMSAT LEOs” by Kent Britain, WA5VJB
- “Wire Quad for 40 Meters” by Dean Straw, N6BV
- “Vertical Loop Antenna for 28 MHz”
- “Dual-Band Antenna for 146/446 MHz” by Wayde Bartholomew, K3MF
- “The TriMox — A Moxon Tribander for a Holiday DXpedition” by Brian Machesney, K1LI
- “A Simple Fixed Antenna for VHF/UHF Satellite Work,” by L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
- “Having a Field Day with the Moxon Rectangle,” by L. B. Cebik, W4RNL
- “Extended Double-Zepp for 17 Meters” from 2016 Handbook
- Triband Dipole for 30, 17, and 12 Meters” by Zack Lau W1VT
- “A Compact Multiband Dipole” by Zack Lau W1VT
Chapter 22 Supplemental Files
- BNC Crimp Installation Instructions * N Crimp Installation Instructions
- Miniature Lamp Guide
- Thermoplastics Properties
- TV Deflection Tube Guide
- Obsolete RF Power Semiconductor Tables
Chapter 23 Supplemental Files
- “A No-Special-Tools SMD Desoldering Technique” by Wayne Yoshida, KH6WZ
- “Surface Mount Technology — You Can Work With It” by Sam Ulbing, N4UAU (Parts 1 - 4)
- “A Deluxe Soldering Station”
- Making Your Own Printed Circuit Boards
- “Reflow Soldering for the Radio Amateur” by Jim Koehler, VE5JP
Chapter 24 Projects
- “A Remote Power Controller” by Mike Bryce, WB8VGE
- “A Switched Attenuator” courtesy of RSGB
- “The ID-O-Matic Station Identification Timer” by Dale Botkin, NØXAS
- “Tandem Match—Accurate Directional Wattmeter” by John Grebenkemper, KI6WX
- “Two QSK Controllers for Amplifiers” by Jim Colville, W7RY and Paul Christensen, W9AC
- “Build a Legal Limit Bias T that Covers 1.8 to 230 MHz” by Phil Salas, AD5X
- “An Eight Channel Remote Control Antenna Selector” by Michael Dzado, ACØHB
- “Multiband Tuning Circuits” by R. W. Johnson, W6MUR
- “Adapting Aviation Headset to Ham Radio”
- “An Arduino-based Knob Box for SDR” by Michael Stott, VE3EBR
- “A Low-Cost Remote Antenna Switch” by Bill Smith, KO4NR
- “A Raspberry Pi Network Server/Client for Antenna Rotor,” by Tom Doyle, W9KE
Support Files
- Code and support files for ID-O-Matic by Dale Botkin, NØXAS
- Support files for SWR Monitor by Larry Coyle, K1QW
- Support files for “Two QSK Controllers for Amplifiers” by Jim Colville, W7RY and Paul Christensen, W9AC
- Trio of Computer Interfaces PCB template
Chapter 25 Supplemental Files
- Cathode ray tube theory
- Test and Measurement Bibliography
- ARRL Lab Test Procedures Manual – 2010
- “Noise Instrumentation and Measurement” by Paul Wade W1GHZ
Project Files
- Gate Dip Oscillator articles and PCB artwork — Alan Bloom, N1AL
- Build a Return Loss Bridge — James Ford, N6JF
- Logic Probe — supporting photos and graphics — Alan Bloom, N1AL
- RF Power Meter — supporting files — William Kaune, W7IEQ
- Compensated RF Voltmeter articles — Sidney Cooper, K2QHE
- RF Sampler Construction details — Thomas Thompson, WØIVJ
- RF Step Attenuator — Denton Bramwell, K7OWJ
- Tandem Match articles — John Grebenkemper, KI6WX
- Transistor Tester — PCB artwork and layout graphics — Alan Bloom, N1AL
- Two-Tone Oscillator — PCB artwork and layout graphics — ARRL Lab
- “A Low Frequency Adapter for your Vector Network Analyzer (VNA)” by Jacques Audet, VE2AZX
Chapter 26 Supplemental Articles
- “Troubleshooting Radios” by Mel Eiselman, NC4L
- “Building a Modern Signal Tracer” by Curt Terwilliger, W6XJ
- “Hands-on Radio — Power Supply Analysis” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Amplifier Care and Maintenance” by Ward Silver, NØAX
- “Diode and Transistor Test Circuits” by Ed Hare, W1RFI
PC Board Templates
- Crystal controlled signal source template
- AF/RF signal injector template
Chapter 27 Supplemental Files
- “What to Do if You Have an Electronic Interference Problem” — CEA Handbook
- TV Channel, Amateur Band and Harmonic Chart Projects
- “A Home-made Ultrasonic Power Line Arc Detector and Project Update” by Jim Hanson, W1TRC (SK)
- “A Simple TRF Receiver for Tracking RFI” by Rick Littlefield, K1BQT
- “Active Attenuator for VHF-FM” by Fao Eenhoorn, PAØZR (article and template)
- “Simple Seeker” by Dave Geiser, W5IXM
- “Tape Measure Beam for Power Line Hunting” by Jim Hanson, W1TRC (SK)
Chapter 28 Supplemental Files
- Electric Current Abroad — U.S. Dept of Commerce
- “Shop Safety” by Don Daso, K4ZA
- “RF Safety at Field Day” by Greg Lapin, N9GL
- “Field Day Tower Safety” by Don Daso, K4ZA and Ward Silver, NØAX
Chapter 29 Portable Stations
- “Product Review: A Look at Gasoline Powered Inverter Generators,” by Bob Allison, WB1GCM
- “Field Day Tower Safety,” by Don Daso, K4ZA and Ward Silver, NØAX Remote Stations
- “Remote Station Resources by K6VVA - 2014 Edition” — a list of resources for remote station builders
Image Communications
- Educational robot ATV setup details (BOE-BOT project) by Mark Spencer, WA8SME