#704 ARRL Ham Radio License Manual
Book notes: The ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, by American Radio Relay League, Third Edition. First published January 1, 1988.
See also:
- 1 Welcome to Amateur Radio
- 1.1 What is Amateur Radio
- 1.2 The FCC and Licensing
- 1.3 Amateur Radio Activities
- 1.4 Getting Your Ham Radio License
- 2 Radio and Signals Fundamentals
- 2.1 Radio Signals and Waves
- 2.2 Radio Equipment Basics
- 3 Electricity, Components, and Circuits
- 3.1 Electricity
- 3.2 Components and Units
- 3.3 Radio Circuits
- 4 Propagation, Antennas, and Feed Lines
- 4.1 Propagation
- 4.2 Antenna and Radio Wave Basics
- 4.3 Feed Lines and SWR
- 4.4 Practical Antenna Systems
- 5 Amateur Radio Equipment
- 5.1 Modulation
- 5.2 Transmitters and Receivers
- 5.3 Digital Communications
- 5.4 Power Supplies and Batteries
- 6 Communicating With Other Hams
- 6.1 Band Plans
- 6.2 Making Contacts
- 6.3 Using Repeaters
- 6.4 Nets
- 6.5 Communicationsfor Public Service
- 6.6 Satellite Operating
- 7 Licensing Regulations
- 7.1 Licensing Terms
- 7.2 Bands and Privileges
- 7.3 International Rules
- 7.4 Call Signs
- 8 Operating Regulations
- 8.1 Control Operators
- 8.2 Identification
- 8.3 Interference
- 8.4 Third-party Communications
- 8.5 Remote and Automatic Operation
- 8.6 Prohibited Transmissions
- 9 Safety
- 9.1 Electrical Safety
- 9.2 Managing RF in Your Station
- 9.3 RF Interference (RFI)
- 9.4 RF Exposure
- 9.5 Mechanical Safety
- Glossary
- Technician Class Exam Question Pool
- Syllabus
- Subelement T1 - FCC Rules
- Subelement T2 - Operating Procedures
- Subelement T3 - Radio Wave Characteristics
- Subelement T4 - Amateur Radio Practices and Station Set-Up
- Subelement T5 - Electrical Principles
- Subelement T6 - Electrical Components
- Subelement T7 - Station Equipment
- Subelement T8 - Modulation Modes and Operating Activities
- Subelement T9 - Antennas and Feed Lines
- Subelement T0 - Safety