#628 Arduino for Radio Amateur Applications
Book notes: Arduino for Radio Amateur Applications, by Glen Popiel.
See also:
In addition, this book describes in detail the design, construction, programming, and operation of the following projects:
- CW Beacon and Foxhunt Keyer
- Mini Weather Station
- RF Probe with LED Bar Graph
- DTMF Tone Encoder
- DTMF Tone Decoder
- Waveform Generator
- Auto Power On/Off
- Bluetooth CW Keyer
- Station Power Monitor
- AC Current Monitor
- About The Author
- Acknowledgements
- How This Book is Organized
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Welcome To The Arduino
- Introduction
- The Hardware
- History
- What is Open Source?
- Open Source Licensing and How it Works
- The Lesser Gnu General Public License (LGPL)
- The MIT License
- The Creative Commons License
- Chapter 2: Arduino Boards and Variants . .
- The Arduino UNO
- The Arduino Nano
- The SparkFun Microview
- Wearable Arduinos
- The ATmega32u4 Series
- The Arduino Mega Series
- More Powerful Boards
- The Arduino Zero
- The Arduino MKR1000 and MKRZero
- The PJRC Teensy 4.1
- The Espressif ESP32
- The Adafruit Feathers
- The STM32
- The Arduino R4
- New Nanos
- The Raspberry Pi Pico/RP2040
- The Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
- Chapter 3: Arduino Shields, Modules and Devices
- Arduino Shields
- LCD Display Shield
- Color TFT Display Shield
- Audeme MOVITM Shield
- Adafruit PowerBoost Shield
- USB Host Shield
- Ethernet Shield
- CAN-BUS Shield
- Arduino Modules
- The LCD display
- The Nokia 5110 Display
- Organic LED (OLED) Displays
- Thin Film Transistor (TFT) Color Displays
- Level Shifter
- Bluetooth Module
- GPS Module
- Real-Time Clock Module
- DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
- DHT20 Relative Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module
- GY-906 Infrared Temperature Sensor
- BMP280 Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor
- BME280 Air Pressure and Temperature Sensor
- Rain and Water Sensor
- Wind Speed Sensor
- Lightning Detector Module
- Ethernet Module
- Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis (DDS) Module
- Si5351 High Frequency Programmable Clock Generator Module
- DFRobot Gravity: Speech Synthesis V2.0 Module
- DFRobot Gravity: Offline Language Learning Voice Recognition Module
- MP3 Player Module
- ISD1820 Voice Recorder and Playback module
- DFRobot Gesture Sensor Module
- TI ADS1115 16-bit Analog to Digital (A/D) Converter Module
- MCP4725 12-bit Digital to Analog (A/D) Converter Module
- 9 Degree of Freedom (9DOF) Sensor Module
- ACS712 Hall-Effect Current Sensor Module
- Non-Invasive AC Current Sensor
- Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) Memory Module
- SC16IS750 UART Module
- USB Host Module
- 4x4 Membrane Keypad
- 4x4 Analog Keypad
- Adafruit 4x4 Elastomer Keypad, Monochrome Driver, and Enclosure
- Addressable RGB LEDs
- eInk/ePaper Displays
- Enclosures
- Chapter 4: Creating Sketches and Documenting Arduino Projects
- Adding New Boards
- Arduino Libraries
- Installing Libraries
- Using Libraries
- Troubleshooting
- Memory Issues
- Simple Debugging Methods
- Chapter 5: Project Ideas, Tools, Construction, and Troubleshooting
- From Dreams to Reality
- Finishing Touches
- Tools
- Breadboard and Development Systems
- Working with the Arduino and External Power
- Chapter 6: Arduino I/O Methods
- Digital I/O
- Digital I/O with Pulse Width Modulation
- Analog Input
- Analog Output
- Serial I/O
- 1-Wire Bus
- Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Bus
- Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) Bus
- Bluetooth Communication
- USB Communications
- WiFi
- The CAN Bus
- Interrupts
- Processing
- ArduGraph
- Chapter 7: Project 1 – CW Beacon and Foxhunt Keyer
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 8: Project 2 – Mini Weather Station
- Construction Notes
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 9: Project 3 — RF Probe with LED Bar Graph
- Enhancement Ideas.
- Chapter 10: Project 4 — DTMF Tone Encoder
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 11: Project 5 — DTMF Tone Decoder
- Troubleshooting
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 12: Project 6 — Waveform Generator
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 13: Project 7 — Auto Power On/Off
- Design Parameters
- The Project Design
- The Project Flowchart
- Creating the Sketch
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 14: Project 8 — Bluetooth CW Keyer
- The Master Unit Flowchart
- The Master Unit Sketch
- Putting it to use
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 15: Project 9 — Station Power Monitor
- Design Goals
- Designing the project
- Project Flowchart
- Schematic
- The Sketch
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 16: Project 10 — AC Current Monitor
- Design Goals
- The Design
- The Sketch
- Enhancement Ideas
- Chapter 17: In Conclusion
- Index