#622 Arduino for Musicians
Book notes: Arduino for Musicians: A Complete Guide to Arduino and Teensy Microcontrollers, by Brent Edstrom. First published March 1, 2016.
See also:
- amazon
- goodreads
- Arduino for Musicians - OUP main page
- Companion Website
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 2 Introduction To Programming
Chapter 3 Introduction To Electronics
- Project: Simple Theremin
Chapter 4 Interfacing With Arduino
- Project: Metronome
Chapter 5 Music Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) I/O
- very good, practical coverage of MIDI with Arduino and Teensy
- do I have any midi devices??
Chapter 6 Real-Time Input: Musical Expression
- Project: Force-sensitive Resistor FSR402, FSR406
- Project: breath controller
Chapter 7 Music-Making Shields
- Music Instrument Shield - Sparkfun
- general MIDI
- AdaFruit Wave Shield
- wav file playback
- GinSing ginsingsound.com
- synthesis shield
- EOL?
- GameDuino
- audio and video
- spartan fpga
- Codec shield
- 24 it DAC/ADC
- microphone input
- line in and out
- http://wiki.openmusiclabs.com/wiki/AudioCodecShield
Chapter 8 Programming Part II
- good C++ intro
Chapter 9 Audio Output and Sound Synthesis
- see: LEAP#115 R2RDAC
- dedicated DAC chip
- sound synthesis p210
- Project: mozzi synth
- Teensy 3 audio output
Chapter 10 Audio Input
- pre-amp
- electret mic input
- processing
- Project: FFT
Chapter 11 Finalizing Projects
- Project: Complete Metronome