#732 LED Flicker Kit
A flame or fire emulator driven by an ATtiny85 suitable for use in scale models or displays.
It is quite common that I’ll want to add fire or flame effects to a scale model build. This project is a general-purpose solution that could be installed to provide a range of effects from a raging billowing fire through to gently glowing embers.
I have tried various ways to mimic fire, but one of the most reliable is the one used here: a simple algorithm implemented in a microcontroller (an ATtiny85 in this case).
Circuit Design
The controller is implemented in code on an ATtiny85. Some circuit notes:
- the PWM outputs are used to control low-side n-channel FETs rather than directly drive the outputs. This ensures that current load on the ATtiny85 does not exceed limits (10mA per pin, 60mA total).
- the LEDs and accompanying current-limiting resistors are just for demonstration purposes - these can be changed as required for a particular application.
- the flame animation aggressiveness is set with a variable resistor.
- I initially built this to be run from 5V USB but got stumped trying to hide a suitable power supply in the picture frame. Luckily, the circuit also works just fin on 3V (2xAAA) - though I don’t know how long the batteries will last.
Testing on a breadboard:
The code is available in GitHub. It comprises:
- FlickerKit.ino - main program
- dial.h / dial.cpp - encapsulates the variable resistor input
- flame.h / flame.cpp - flame class, implements the flicker algorithm. Instantiated for each LED output.
Protoboard Build
After breadboard verification, I put the circuit on a small protoboard. I’ve given this one to a fellow modeller.