#560 Simple 555 Tester
Testing a simple 555 project published in Elektor Jul-1980. The circuit uses an astable configuration to verify the performance of a 555 timer chip.
Here’s a quick demo..
Taking a look at an old 555 project published in Elektor Jul-1980 (page 31) - the simple 555 tester.
Although the 555 is generally very reliable, there are occasions when malfunction does occur. The circuit shown here will provide a simple and effective method of testing suspect devices.
Circuit Design
The timer to be tested, IC1, is connected as an astable (free-running) multivibrator.
- When the ‘push to test’ button (S1) is closed capacitor C1 will start to charge up via resistors R1 and R2.
- As soon as the voltage level on this capacitor reaches the trigger point of the timer the internal flip-flop is activated and pin 7 is taken low to discharge C1.
- The flip-flop is reset when the voltage on C1 reaches the threshold level of the IC. This takes pin 7 high and the charge cycle starts once more.
- The output of the timer (pin 3) is connected to a pair of light-emitting diodes.
- When the output is high LED D2 will be on and D1 will be off.
- Conversely, when the output is low D1 will be on and D2 will be off.
The LEDs will flash on and off alternately — provided, of course, that the IC under test is a good one.
The circuit described uses R1=1k, R2=150k and C1=10uF, which results in a frequency of just about 0.5Hz and 50% duty cycle. i.e. one second on, one second off.
Enhancing the Circuit with Control Input Test
An additional test that can be performed on a 555 chip is to verify the behaviour of the control pin (5).
- Most circuits will tie the control pin to ground with a 100nF capacitor to keep it stable.
- if it is pulled high, then the output will also be pulled high
- if it is pulled low, then the output will also be pulled low
So adding a SP3T switch to the control pin expands the test modes available:
- normal running
- output high
- output low
Protoboard Build
Transferring the design to some protoboard…
Credits and References
- simple 555 tester - Published in Elektor 7/1980 on page 31
- LM555 Datasheet